Sour Cherry Cornmeal Clafoutis

Cherry ClafoutisSometimes being a homeowner can feel like such a drag.  The furnace fails, guess who’s on the hook.  And when the walk needs to be shoveled, the lawn needs to be mowed, or the caulking around the shower starts to brown and peel?  Yep, my problems, no one else’s.

And then there are times when I’m reminded that having a house and a yard to call my own are major blessings.  This sort of thing is usually pretty easy to recognize on a mid-summer day when I realize I’ve got a tree full ripe cherries and I’m no choice but to make an impromptu dessert on a Tuesday.  Ah, the importance of perspective.

So for my impromptu weekday dessert, I chose to make clafoutis.  Clafoutis (or clafouti…) is a dessert with a fancy French name that couldn’t be simpler to make or more delicious to eat.  It’s a custardy little cake baked in a pie pan, packed full of cherries.  I snuck a bit of cornmeal into mine and a splash of amaretto to bring out the flavor of the cherries.  

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Chickpea, Tuna & Caper Orecchiette Pasta Salad

Tuna, Chickpea & Caper Orecchiette Pasta SaladI thought I was done blogging.  I thought I’d finally had enough of the self-imposed stress and enough standing on chairs, photographing my dinner.  I’d thought I was ready put the project on the shelf for good.

The first couple of weeks were fun and it was certainly refreshing to cook without a notepad and a camera at my side.  I drank wine while I made dinner and didn’t worry about low-lighting or measuring cups.  I ate the same thing for days on end because, dang it, I felt like it and it wasn’t like I needed to come up with fresh content for a blog anymore.  

But then it started making me feel kind of sad.  And lonesome.  I missed the game, missed putting a little piece of myself out in the world.  So I’m taking it on again, with more of a relaxed approach.  I’m not going to feel bad if I don’t post every week, if my pictures aren’t perfect, if I don’t blog my way out of my day job.  I’m not going to worry that someone might not think something I post isn’t creative enough (who wants “creative” food all the time anyway?).  I’m going to remember why I started a food blog in the first place: because I love to cook and eat and my home kitchen is one of my happiest places.

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